--> Mil DTL 3432J ME | Military cable Type 3432J ME
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Philaflex™ Mil DTL 3432 Medium Duty Class ME 600 Volts

Custom Mil Spec 3432 can be specified using the Custom Cable Form.

Ultimate Flexibility, fire retardant, long life, greater mechanical strength, lighter weight, and resistance to low temperatures, heat aging, abrasion, chemicals, oil, ozone, and water
Medium duty service for outdoors or indoors power generation and control
Temperature rating is from -65°C to +105°C. (Exceeds best Class E of MIL-DTL-3432H which is -65°C to + 90°C.)
Per MIL-STD-686
Jacket Color:
Black. Other colors available upon request.
Cond. Colors:
2/C – black & white; 3/C black, white & green, 4/C – black, white, red & green; 5/C – black, white, red, green, and orange.

Part Number AWG Size No. of Cond Type Designation Nom. O.D. (inches) Approx. Lbs. M/ft
P02-MEF(2/18)-0340 18 2 CO-02MEF(2/18)-0340 0.34 46
P02-MEF(3/18)-0340 18 3 CO-02MEF(3/18)-0340 0.358 58
P02-MEF(4/18)-0389 18 4 CO-02MEF(4/18)-0389 0.389 72
P02-MEF(2/16)-0364 16 2 CO-02MEF(2/16)-0364 0.364 55
P02-MEF(3/16)-0384 16 3 CO-02MEF(3/16)-0384 0.384 72
P02-MEF(4/16)-0452 16 4 CO-02MEF(4/16)-0452 0.452 101
P02-MEF(2/14)-0440 14 2 CO-02MEF(2/14)-0440 0.44 83
P02-MEF(3/14)-0464 14 3 CO-02MEF(3/14)-0464 0.464 107
P02-MEF(4/14)-0503 14 4 CO-02MEF(4/14)-0503 0.503 132
P02-MEF(2/12)-0479 12 2 CO-02MEF(2/12)-0479 0.479 105
P02-MEF(3/12)-0505 12 3 CO-02MEF(3/12)-0505 0.505 138
P02-MEF(4/12)-0549 12 4 CO-02MEF(4/12)-0549 0.549 173
P02-MEF(2/10)-0536 10 2 CO-02MEF(2/10)-0536 0.536 140
P02-MEF(3/10)-0566 10 3 CO-02MEF(3/10)-0566 0.566 187
P02-MEF(4/10)-0632 10 4 CO-02MEF(4/10)-0632 0.632 244