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Stranded Copper Wire & Cable

stranded copper wire

Philatron Wire and Cable manufactures bare copper in both solid and stranded forms to create custom cables Applications of Class AA and Class A bare copper are used in overhead and distribution applications such as insulators for distribution circuits and coil cables. Class B and Class C stranded conductors, often have greater flexibility that are suitable for uninsulated hookup, jumpers, custom cables, coil cables and can also be used for grounding.

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Product Specifications

Designating Part Numbers: BC = Bare Copper
Copper: No. = Size; Letter = Class
Example: BC12K: 12 ga. – 65 x 30 ga.

PHILATRON’S Stranded Soft Copper Wire Part Numbers*

MCM Size
Strands Diameter
Metrict Area
Lbs./1,000 feet
BC26M 26 7 x 34 Ga .019 278 .128 .841
BC24M 24 10 x 34 Ga. .023 398 .205 1.23
BC22K 22 7 x 30 Ga. .030 704 .324 2.16
BC20K 20 10 x 30 Ga. .041 1,005 .52 3.2
BC18K 18 16 X 30 Ga. .052 1,608 .82 4.94
BC18M 18 41 x 34 Ga. .052 1,639 .82 5.06
BC16C 16 19 x 29 Ga. .054 2,426 1.31 7.5
BC16k 16 26 x 30Ga. .0583 2,613 1.31 8.03
BC16M 16 65 X 34 Ga. .0459 2,584 1.31 8.02
BC14C 14 19 X 27 Ga. .068 3,829 2.08 11.9
BC14K 14 41 x 30 Ga. .083 4,121 2.08 12.66
BC14M 14 105 x 34 Ga. .086 4,173 2.08 13
BC12C 12 19 x 25 Ga. .086 6,088 3.31 21
BC12K 12 65 x 30 Ga. .102 6,533 3.31 21
BC12M 12 168 x 34 Ga. .101 6,520 3.31 753
BC10B 10 7 x .0385 Ga. .115 10,376 5.26 33
BC10C 10 19 x .0234 Ga. .114 10,403 5.26 32.3
BC10K 10 104 x 30 Ga. .134 10,553 5.26 32.5
BC8B 8 7 x .0486 Ga. .146 16,534 8.38 51.05
BC8K 8 168 x 30 Ga. .157 16,800 8.38 53
BC6B 6 7 x .0612 Ga. .184 26,218 13.3 81.05
BC4B 4 7 x .0772 Ga. .232 41,740 21 129
BC2B 2 7 x .0974 Ga. .332 66,370 34 205
BC1B 1 19 x .0664 Ga. .332 83,770 42 261
BC1/0B 1/0 19 x .0745 Ga. .373 105,445 54 326
BC2/0B 2/0 19 x .0837 Ga. .419 133,108 67 415
BC3/0B 3/0 19 x .0940 Ga. .470 17,884 85 518
BC4/0B 4/0 19 x .1055 Ga. .528 211,474 107 660
BC250B 250 37 X .0833 Ga. .575 250,000 127 772
BC300B 300 37 x .0900 Ga. .630 300,000 152 925
BC350B 350 37 x .0973 Ga. .681 350,290 178 1,082
BC400B 400 37 x .1040 Ga. .728 400,000 230 1,326
BC500B 500 37 x .1162 Ga. .813 500,000 254 1,543
BC600B 600 61 x .0992 Ga. .893 600,000 305 1,853
BC750 750 133 x .0750 Ga. 1.125 750,000 381 2,355
BC1000 1000 259 x .0621 Ga. 1.304 1,000,000 508 3,159

* Note: All dimensions and weights are approximate. More Flexible Stranding Wire Available Upon Request.